San Bernardino County Superior Court Judge Brian Saunders, MFT?

FYI- “MFT” stands for “Marital and Family Therapy” at the Master’s level

Last Monday, April, 19 2010, there was a hearing in my custody case regarding my 5 year old son.  The hear was in Dept. s10 of the San Bernardino County Superior Court.  The case was presided over by the honorable, and possibly dually licensed, Judge Brian Saunders.

Here’s the background:  My ex (Dad) and I (Mom) share a child (Boy, age 5) from a previous relationship.  We were not married.  During my pregnancy Dad, who did every manipulative, hurtful thing he could think of to escape the responsibility of this child,  killed an innocent woman while driving home from a bar one night.  He was drunk and high on marijuana, as was his habit.  Neither he nor his family felt any obligation to tell me of the accident.  I read about it in the newspaper 3 days after it happened, on the day Dad was released from the hospital and taken into custody.  (Incidentally, this was not the first time Dad had been in a serious accident as a result of his drinking.  While we were dating, Dad totaled his car one night after leaving a bar and about 3 years before that, had rolled his car with him and two friends in it.  In that accident he broke his neck and almost died.  Once way before that, he had struck a man riding a bicycle and, although I suspect he may have been drinking, I do not know that for sure. )

Over the ensuing 4 years (which was how long Dad was incarcerated for taking this woman’s life) I developed an addiction to the prescription pain killers that were being prescribed to me.  It is important to note that I always worked and took care of my child.  When I realized that I had developed an addiction to the pain killers, I went straight to my doctor with that concern.  He checked me into a facility to detox from the pain killers.  I was in there for 3 days.  Upon my release I immediately began attending counseling and 12 step programs.  I recognized the severity of what was happening and the impact it would have on my son if I didn’t get help, so I did.  I have been clean and sober since May 2007.

Dad was released from prison in December 2007.  At the beginning of his incarceration, I had hoped that we would be able to work things out and make a family for our son when Dad returned home.  After receiving treatment, however, I began to see things differently.  For one, Dad and I never had a healthy relationship.  (Living like that could have been equally harmful to my son.) Also, during his incarceration, Dad was still using and drinking.  He justified it, as did the few people I spoke to about it, by pointing out that he was in prison and needed something to be able to make it through.

It had always bothered me Dad was still using and drinking and we had discussed it at length.  After getting some help for myself I realized that Dad was also sick.  There are many people like him, myself included, and he needed help.  It couldn’t be me that gave it to him, though.  I also realized that being with him would be a “slippery slope” and would, most likely, result in my using again.  The thought of what my son’s life would be like if that were to happen was unbearable.  I ended the romantic relationship with Dad and began to move on with my life.  I still took my son to visit him in prison as often as we could afford to do it, which was about once every 5-6 weeks.

After ending the romantic relationship with Dad, I began spending more time with my long-time best friend, Mr. E. E and I began to grow closer and, before we realized it, were becoming romantically involved.   E lived in Northern California, in the Bay Area and he would come to visit whenever he could.  At the time Dad was paroled, Boy was 4 years old.  A little while after Dad was released from prison, he began taking my son for weekends occasionally.  That afforded me the opportunity to go north and spend even more time with E.  We had started to discuss our moving up north with him.  Naturally, I was a little scared but I began to look for work in the area.  I was working in construction at the time and the economy was just starting to get really bad.  There were very few positions available at the time and they were all being filled by people with more experience and chest hair than I had.  In March I was laid off from my job.

Dad’s weekend visits with my son were becoming a regular every-other-weekend thing.  He still was not paying any sort of child support, but he was willing to cover Boy’s daycare expenses until I could get back on my feet.  I began spending  every-other-weekend in the Bay are with E, looking for work.  In May both E and I were surprised by the news that we were going to be having a baby.  At that point I still hadn’t found work, either in San Bernardino or in the Bay area.  E had a job that seemed pretty secure at the time.  We discussed it and it seemed the right thing to do for us to move to the Bay Area.

I told Dad of our plans to move.  I promised to make sure that Boy would come to visit for at least as much time as he had been spending with Dad.  Then, out of no where, I was hauled into court.  Dad, who had never paid any child support or offered any other kind of help with our son, had hired an expensive attorney, with the reputation to match the cost.  I, being out of work and supporting our child on our own, could not afford an attorney at all.  I was woefully unprepared for what happened next.

We went before Judge Saunders on this matter.  Dad’s attorney painted me as a negligent, unfit, junky parent who could not be trusted to be alone with her child.  He went on to tell the judge that my plan to move was sudden, not thought out, irresponsible and selfish.  I remember trying to respond to all of this but feeling completely “off-balance” because I had no idea it was going to be like that.  I was hurt and surprised that Dad could tell that man to talk about me like that, especially after everything he put me through.  I was stupid. Mediation was about the same.  Dad talked trash about me like you would not believe.  All the while painting himself as some sort of choir  boy.  I was an emotional wreck.  Hurt by Dad’s actions, scared that he was going to win full custody of my son just because he (and his wealthy parents) could afford an attorney, and pregnant to boot.  The mediation report was lengthy and basically made no recommendation.

E hired an attorney to represent us and we went back and forth.  That attorney, John Welch, was a total loser.  Dad, E and I had met at for dinner one night a couple of weeks prior to the trial date.  Based on the conversation with Dad, I approached our attorney and told him that I wanted to offer Dad one week a month with Boy.  Welch told me that, if we did that, next year when Boy started school I would be all but handing Boy to Dad.  On the day of the trial however, when opposing counsel approached and offered a 50/50 split (2 weeks here, 2 weeks there), he recommended that I take it and even told me how proud he was of me for doing the unselfish thing.  Then he sent us a bill for almost $4,000 more than the $3,000 retainer.  I hated agreeing to it, because I knew it would be hard on my little one but I really had no other option at the time.  The Judge Saunders had all but said that he wasn’t going to let us move.  Dad told me he did me a favor by letting me move.

The arrangement was incredibly hard on Boy (and me) in the beginning.  Towards the end it was getting better.  Boy, now 5, was better acquainted with Dad and seemed to enjoy the time he got to spend with Dad and with his older Sister (Dad’s from a previous relationship).  Dad’s parents had basically refused to allow Boy and BigSis to spend any significant amount of time together while Dad was incarcerated so I was glad to see them bonding. (No, I’m not just bitter, this is what happened.)

Dad was released from parole in January 2009.  When Boy returned from his visit in February 2009, he reported to me that Dad had beer in his refrigerator.  I asked Dad about it during a phone call.  He told me that he was not drinking and that the beer belonged to his girlfriend, L. (whom he had began dating while I was pregnant – before he went to prison.) In March, I had the worst dream that Dad and L were in a drunk driving accident. Dad laughed and said it was funny because he and L had been out to a few bars the night before, including the one he was at the night he took that woman’s life.  Of course, he said, only she had been drinking.  I lectured Dad again about the “slippery slope” and implored him to get some help.  Again, he denied having a problem.   Boy went for his March visit (the last two weeks of the month) and came home with a hydroseal hernia.  Dad maintains that Boy had the hernia when he arrived.  Boy told me that he had fallen down the concrete stairs at Dad’s apartment during his visit.  Either way, Boy needed surgery.  E, now my husband, is the one providing health care insurance for us.  When Boy returned home from his visit, he went to the doctor and was scheduled for surgery.  The surgery went well and recovery took about 6 weeks.  Dad’s parents said that they felt that was excessive, because they wanted to take him to a play, but I deferred to the judgment of the doctor.

Dad and I had agreed that Boy would attend school here with me, and would go to visit Dad and BigSis on all school breaks.  Dad, still not paying any child support, would be responsible for travel expenses.  School was scheduled to start early August and, because Boy had spent two months here, I allowed him to spend the entire month of July with Dad.  They had trips to the river planned, and Big Sis’s birthday so it seemed like the right thing to do.  Everything was going great.

Boy returned from his visit in August and told me that Dad had been drinking again.  Boy had witnessed it on at least three occasions and, on one of those occasions, Dad had driven him home afterward.  I confronted Dad, who repeatedly denied it and wanted to confront Boy about what he was saying.  I told him no and, after weeks of denial, Dad finally admitted that he had been drinking.  We hired an attorney.

In November 2008, just before Thanksgiving break, we appeared once again before Judge Saunders.  (‘We’, meaning our attorney, Dad, and his attorney).  The judge was outraged by the fact that Dad had been drinking and ordered supervised visitation, to be supervised by Dad’s parents, and that Dad wear a SCRAM bracelet to ensure that he does not drink.  Dad had to wear the bracelet until the next court appearance.  Feeling comfortable with the arrangement, I send Boy down for the week.  He came come unharmed.

At some point after that, Dad and I went to mediation.  The mediation report basically said that it would be pointless to order treatment for Dad, since he hadn’t yet been inconvenienced enough by his drinking.  It also pointed out that Dad felt that the problem was that he had signed an agreement not to drink while having custody of Boy, not that Dad was drinking.  In other words, Dad regretted signing the agreement, not the drinking and driving.  The report also said that Sole Legal and Physical custody should be awarded to me,  and that Dad should have supervised visitation.  It said that if Dad got some treatment and was successful for 6 months, he should refile for unsupervised visitation.  We went to court in December and Judge Saunders ordered that Dad had to keep the SCRAM on if he wanted visitation with Boy.

On April 2, 2010, Dad and I went to mediation again.  This mediation report basically said the same.  It recommended that Dad get treatment and attend 12 Step Programs.  After showing some success, Dad should repetition for unsupervised visitation. Boy spent the Spring Break with Dad.  I also agreed to let Boy attend Dad’s graduation from college on May 28, 2010.

On April 19, 2010, we were before Judge Saunders once again.  Our attorney was unable to attend this hearing so he sent another attorney in his stead.  The other attorney was asking for a continuance so that my attorney would be available for the hearing.  Opposing counsel was in accord with this request.  To everyone’s surprise (even opposing counsel), Saunders ordered completely unsupervised visitation for Dad.  Saunders said that he felt the mediation report was way off base and that his credentials were better than the mediator’s. This leave me to ask the following questions:

1. WTF?!?!

2. Are Judges also trained in marital and family counseling?

3. Has Saunders given any thought to what the consequences are if, in his infinite wisdom, he happens to be wrong about this?

4. WTF?!?!

I am  completely floored by this decision, as is my husband and our EXTREMELY EXPERIENCED legal team.  (I used the big letters because this time we got the good attorney. )    My son will be going down to visit Dad, completely unsupervised, on the weekend of Dad’s college graduation.  What am I worried about?  No one drinks when they graduate college, er, wait…they do, too!  I’m scared to death for my little one’s safety.  The only thing that makes it bearable is knowing that God is on our side.  I still can’t sleep though.

There. It’s out there.  On the internet for all to see.  If you have any advice, or even an equally screwed up experience with Saunders, please feel free to comment.  I plan to chronicle all following court hearing on this matter so, if you’re interested, stay tuned.


  1. honestogod Said:

    I do have an equally scewed up experience with Judge Saunders if not even more horrifying. To the point where I (the mother) ended up in handcuffs for missing a mediation appointment! He is completely irrational and literally has NO idea what it means to be a family court judge. The only way I made it through was because I trusted in God and stood for what I knew was right. Keep fighting! File a formal complaint to his presiding judge. But most importantly, TRUST IN GOD! Even in your darkest hour, GOD will always prevail. And that’s the truth!

    • sheilatackya Said:

      Thank you for your comment. It’s easier just knowing that someone else came out on the other side of it.

      Do you happen to know who his presiding judge is and how I would go about doing that? (I don’t think my attorney’s going to be any help at all with that.)

      • honestogod Said:

        I’m sorry, I don’t know the name of his presiding judge, but that was the advice that I was given by my former lawyer. I have still yet to actually do it. I really think I should pursue this in getting him removed from the bench! If you call the Family Law Dept. at the court house, they should be able to give you all the general information you need. The phone number is: (909)387-3922

        Also, I don’t know if you’ve already done so, but if you Google his name, you’ll find out some very interesting stuff about this guy. Someone even went as far as to write a book about his experience with this judge. And his wife was caught in the middle of a San Bernardino “scandal”.

        God bless you! You and your son will be in my prayers!

  2. MyGirlsAreMyWorld Said:

    I have had horrific experiences with Judge Saunders as well. He ignored testimony from my ex’s boss after my ex went into work claiming to be mentally unstable because my ex was having flashbacks from being in Iraq and reported to his employer that he had to check himself into the VA hospital for a 72 hour hold. It has been documented for Judge Saunders that my ex has bullied and harassed my children into what they should tell the mediator. My eldest recently advised the mediator that she knew her dad would murder her mother and felt unsafe at her dads because of his threats to her and the sexual misconduct of his girlfriend. My youngest daughter who has told the courts that she could not tell the truth because she was afraid that she won’t get to see her dad anymore or that he would hurt himself if he lost custody. Judge Saunders gave my ex full custody of our youngest (who has even written a suicide like note expressing that the emotional roller coaster was too overwhelming for her). He was also given alternating weekends with our oldest who has expressed fear for her life if she returned to him. Judge Saunders has a reputation of siding with the male and ignoring evidence presented not only from women but even woman attorneys. I will you luck in your case. May God watch over your family and any other unfortunate family to be seen by Judge Saunders.

  3. Francoise Said:

    My daughter and I are all so victums of Judge Sanders and a Dr. Bradbury . You are totally correct in everything you write. Please let me know what if you know can be done… My store is long but, still going on …

    • StillFighting Said:

      My son and I are victims of Saunders also. I completely agree with everything those have written about him. He relied on a hack psych to make a decision after a 730 eval on us who granted custody to my son’s loser father. That guy neglected to take our son to school an entire year, does not pay support, provide health ins, and let his girlfriend manhandle our son. The only reason he gave him custody was because he owned a house. Saunders said the only way I could get custody back was to move to the area his dad lived in. I was only 45 minutes away in the first place. So now I’m here and still have to go in front of him about money issues of which have dragged on for 7 years. Nothing except bad results come from him and the guy will not make a decision unless it’s completely off the rails. I would be interested to find out how to make a complaint and expose him.

  4. jeremy Said:

    i am trying to get a class action againts saunders
    please e mail me
    his coruption is more than bad conduct
    he has federal racateering with in the court
    judge moore in fontana court is also involved
    also d.a.,public def. and deputy sherriffs
    do not lose hope
    the federal and state gov. are not involved in his lawless circle

    • StillFighting Said:

      Please keep us posted on this. I am very interested.

    • Ralph Said:


      I am very curious about this class action lawsuit you are trying to get rolling against Judge Saunders. My Wife, similar to those above, had a horrible experience with Judge Saunders in a child custody case. Judge Saunders’ decision in the case was BAFFLING on all accounts as he gave custody to my wife’s ex with a rap sheet that goes on for miles. I am a military officer and both my wife and I have perfect records. Baffling to say the least!!!

    • d.miller Said:

      my wife has had equally bad experience with me if there is gonna be a case against him which she can be part

    • maricar74 Said:

      Please let me know if u have had success in filing a class action lawsuit against this A$$hole who I know in my heart and through my very eyes has hurt and affected many lives and families because of his deranged head…He no longer presides in his courtroom as i just went in for trial setting conf and was surprised to see him OUT!!…Please keep me in sync as I too have been a victim of this sorry A$$ bastard….

  5. MyGirlsAreMyWorld Said:

    Has anyone attempted to contact the media to see if press coverage of a corrupt judge would help? I am about ready to do so myself since my letters to my state rep, senator, congressmen and assemblyman have all gone unanswered so far. If the media was paying attention to the lack of justice in our court systems then perhaps justice would actually be done.

    • StillFighting Said:

      Have you heard anything back on your letters yet? Did you contact the media?

  6. Aimee-N-2-lil-Js Said:

    I have too been victim of this “honoroable” judge. I was a Full time-Wonderful Mom (it showed in my 2 lil boys). And they were taken away-when I was not served initially-he was supposed to be on an over-night visit -that ended up being the last night I’d ever spend with my lil 2 1/2 yr. old baby boy & 5 yr old boy. My son is not allowed to have my picture and is told I am not his mom- the new guardian (who cannot have a child) is; I have only seen my boys 222 hours this whole time…..Please e-mail me- if you guys wanna get together and try to do something about this horoble monster that’s stealing our children!!!

  7. Plato Said:

    I have had personal issues with Judge Saunders as well. At one point he made an order for my ex to pay for some travel if I paid a set amount of current and back child support (I had gotten behind several years earlier). I made all of my payments and got nothing from my ex. When we went back to court and I brought that up he started screaming how he would have never made an order for her to pay travel expenses to someone that owed past child support. He completely ignored his OWN order from several months ago. I would be very willing to help get him removed from the bench.

  8. Mr. N Said:

    This judge has had several complaints. My understanding is there literally have to be protests, and numerous complaints filed, until people take action nothing will be done about this judge.
    Me being a man served honorably in the Army and knowing what I know and what I have seen in life thus far, I cannot agree with fathers rights at all.
    Men do not have to bare, give birth to or maintain any responsibility as a father. The time of true fatherhood is gone. I have yet to see a portion of fathers who can claim the title as father or actually dad for the matter. My dad was a dad. He may not have been a good husband to my mom, but they are still married and he has been an amazing dad for all his faults. Fathers should not be entitled to a child be cause they make up a sperm sized molecule of DNA.
    Sorry guys, if you think different your ego is bigger than your cock. I see so many dead beat fathers out there and have friends who have dead beat dads for as their X’s and will tell you what. If you are one of those sorry ass excuses for a father who thinks they can come around after your child knows nothing about you and you have never supported the child physically, mentally or monetarily, you have problems get over yourself. Your X will never sleep with you again and if you do ladies you are more retarded than he is, cause you dumb women set your self up for failure and then ask yourself why you did it. Do not be stupid.
    As far as Saunders is concerned, he is a piece of shit. His wife fucked around on him and now he is out for blood. He does not care if you are the perfect mother I promise you.
    The best thing for you is to arm your self with parenting classes schedules for your children and definitely do NOT look like a crazy women in court. You want to look like you are trying to be a good co-parent. You want your X to look like the whack job, because this judge already has a bias against women.
    All I know is you can file a complaint and ask for a judge change or move to another county with your children and request a jurisdiction transfer. This will cost money but possible with court fee waivers.
    Hopefully this has helped. File complaints, File complaints this judge really is a piece of shit. He does not give a fuck and does not know shit about the law. He makes his own law as he chooses. He is a real cocksucker who hates himself because he himself is flawed as a man. His wife clipped his balls in the DAs office by blowing everyone in the office, so watch out women, he does not like women. He lost his power when his wife went on the cock rampage.

  9. stephen drewelow Said:

    I had saunders. He listened to her side or the story, didn’t ask me anything, and made his own decision regarding custody and visitation. The court minutes I will show this. Not sure what he is doing behind the bench. Its real unprofessional.

  10. racingjil Said:

    Judge Sanders is very unfair I really think he has something against women.; He granted my ex a restraining order knowing the first one he lied to him about but still granted him one the judge didnt even wanted to hear my side of the story he had already made up his mind before we went to court I also think he is very unfair and I am still dealing with this judge because my ex says i am still harrassing him which i am not I have not had any communicaton with my ex or anything do with my ex but the judge will take his word over mine he is very unfair especially to women

  11. maricar74 Said:

    So, does anyone know what really happened to this Ahole?

    • truthwillcomeout Said:

      He is back in court destroying people’s lives as he thinks he is GOD allowing child molester keep custody of the kids he molested, he didn’t even wanted to hear what the psychologist had to say, if something happens to these kids it will be nobody’s fault but his,as he is destroying the lives of two small and vulnerable children ages 20 months and 4 1/2 yr old, in my eyes only a child molester understands another of his kind.

  12. Helen C. Ortega Said:

    I had a bad expirience with judge well hes not a fair man he sides with the men.

  13. Latoya Turner Said:

    I have been having problems with this judge to I thought it was just me OMG.. I lost custody of my daughter back in 2008 cause my daughter was told to tell the court that I smoked weed and crack and I took a drug which was negative of course and not only was I with child by my husband but I was accused of being a drug addict by the judge who had my drug test in his hand. I also asked him to test the dad because he is known to do drugs and guess what?. No drug test for him and he is known to do drugs OMG I cant believe what me and mother been saying for years is true he is very bias towards women… Oh mind you I don’t have a criminal record or anything im clean.. But my daughter father is a 2 time felon that’s been in and out of jail since before and after my daughter was born…. if a petition starts please I need to sign it get rid of this trash….

  14. dogpile Said:

    Our attorney presented this judge with reams of evidence to support our position and he virtually ignored everything. I don’t believe it was even read. He allowed an attorney who is not even licensed to practice in California to represent the opposing party. He disregarded relevant statements by doctors and other experts. He even ignored all of the incidences of past cases similar to ours. He hardly let our attorney speak in court. I believe he had decided from the beginning that he didn’t want to take the responsibility that his post involves. The guy should be removed. He has his own agenda and has no interest in dispensing justice.

  15. Joshua Gilmet Said:

    Wow I am also victim to Judge Saunder’s irrational decision making practices. He went completely against the mediators recommendation. Which although was not what I wanted I thought was fair. Instead he wants me to commute my son 38 miles away from where I live so he doesn’t change schools going into 4th grade. He instead feels it is logical to change schools when going from elementary to intermediate school, a time that is commonly said to be the hardest time to change districts. Mean while how am I suppose to commute my son for the next 2 years without losing my job? What a joke.

  16. Sunny Beckerle Said:

    2016 , he has not changed. Why does he give everything to the bad parent, he doesn’t listen or ask, It’s scary for the children, our case is still going on so I can’t say much more.

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